The world population is constantly growing and we are about to reach a milestone of 8 billion people. In general, with more people there are more opportunities and more ways to earn money. However, there is also more competition for certain types of jobs when there are more people overall. So, the growing world population is one of the reasons why it is so hard to find a job. The economic situation in the world is constantly changing, there are periods where it is going much better compared to other periods. So, the economic changes are another reason why it is so hard to find a job. We will be highlighting a top 5 of biggest challenges for why it is so hard to find a job. We continue with 5 tips to make it easier to find a job. Keep reading if you are interested in those topics.
Top 5 biggest challenges in finding a job
We made a selection of the 5 biggest challenges regarding the job finding process.
1. Knowing where to start
Finding a job can be extremely different depending on the industry you’re in. If you’re coming into pharmaceutical or medical device manufacturing from another industry, one of the biggest challenges is knowing where to start.
There is a free app available, creating a free, fast and easy way of finding your job from your cell phone. The App is called CazVid and can help you find a job within 5 minutes. You can download the application here.
2. Knowing when to start
Many people assume that they study, get their papers and then they can start to find a job. From our point of view you should always try to expand your network, because that might be useful at the time you really need it. Maybe you are not looking for a job right now, but you can always talk with people in your network whether they know any interesting opportunities. Besides, you can always start using different websites and apps to get a feeling with those. Never wait until you really need it, because that might slow down the process.
3. Finding Time
In most cases the job finding process takes time. You want to use different resources and apply for different jobs. The whole process can easily take up a few hours per day for a few weeks until you find the job that really suits your interests. So, as soon as you are starting with the process of finding a job, be sure that you allocate sufficient time to the process and make it one of your priorities on your to-do list.
4. Competition in the job market
This challenge is more relevant in certain job categories compared to other job categories. Entry level jobs have lower competition than higher level jobs. The more competition you have the more important it is to beat challenges 1, 2 & 3. Knowing where to start, when to start and allocating a lot of time will help you outperform your competition.
5. Confidence
Not being confident about yourself can make it much more complicated to find your dream job. If you don’t show confidence in yourself, how can your potential boss show confidence in you? Show your best side in your job application process and be sure that you convince the people in front of you. Never lie and always be trustworthy, if you are presenting yourself as someone who achieved certain things but in fact never did, sooner rather than later the truth will come up and then you will be in a very bad spot. So, don’t be overconfident and keep lies out of the conversation.
To overcome the challenge of finding a job you can always use the free CazVid application. CazVid is a free app with job listing videos & video resumes. Within the app you can view short 30 second job listings and apply to the job you want with your own 30 second video resume. Yes, it is that easy, so download the app now!