The Vision of the CazVid Job Platform (a free, video-based, job matching app)

CazVid aims to be the place where jobs are found, shared, and accessed. We are bringing together employers, job seekers, and educational institutions from all over the world. Our goal is to provide a one-stop location for those looking for work or interested in learning more about careers.

But there are many websites and apps like CazVid, you may say... Well, not really.

Yuvi Shmul, the founder of CazVid, has hired 100s of people over the years for multiple companies and multiple positions. For many positions, like sales, customer service, and practically any consumer interaction jobs, the personality, charisma and energy of the employee is more important that the employee's level of education or background.

Written resumes and traditional written job applications do not always tell the story of the job seeker. In fact, the way the candidate speaks, communicates, and carries himself/herself is what gives them the advantage to be hired vs other job candidates. Many CEO's and hiring managers admit that they make a decision within 30 seconds of an interview of whether the candidate is a strong candidate for the job or not; and the decision is often based on the job seeker's personal presentation and personality vs. the their specific background.

Yuvi Shmul has decided to create the free app - CazVid. Job seekers record a 30 second selfie video describing themselves on CazVid. Business owners and hiring managers record a 30 second selfie video describing their job openings, and the parties can then find each other on the CazVid app and communicate. Check out the CazVid platform in the iphone and android app stores.

CazVid Desktop ATS - Free Job Posting & Resume Videos App
Hosted by Jerry Paquette
In this 20-minute overview and product demo, our team will show you how you can use CazVid Desktop ATS to streamline your entire hiring process - from job postings to candidate management - with ease. ​ You’ll learn why thousands of companies are using CazVid Desktop ATS to improve use CazVid Desktop ATS to streamline your entire hiring process - from job postings to candidate management with eases in one simple platform.
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¿Need candidates for your job opening?

Post your job openings and:

🔎 Evaluate candidates before any in-person or virtual interviews.

⏱️ Increase your efficiency by selecting candidates more quickly and accurately.

🫰 Save on hiring costs with a fast and free selection process.

¿Searching job?

Find it on CazVid. Download and apply for free to thousands of job openings.

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Escrito por Yuvi Shmul

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How to use CazVid ATS to speed up your hiring process and get candidates aligned to the company's culture