Reach over 1 million candidates and jobs

Find the talent you are looking for in less time with CazVid's free ATS

Use AI to find the best candidates for your job listings, review their video resumes, and manage them with our free ATS. The future of recruiting is here.

*This webinar is intended for EMPLOYERS ONLY. If you are looking for a job, please do not register here.

CazVid is always free to sign up, post your jobs and hire unlimited candidates.

Thousands of Companies and recruiters

trust on CazVid

The candidates present themselves with short videos

Discover how to post a job listing and get candidates easily and quickly with CazVid ATS

CazVid Free ATS

At CazVid we have no hidden costs and that is why it is and always will be:

  1. Free to register
  2. Free to publish
  3. Free to contact candidates
  4. Free to hire

Reach over 1 million number candidates and jobs

At CazVid you can reach millions of candidates across LATAM.

3 simple steps

Fill your vacancies easily, quickly and for free

Follow three simple steps to find the ideal candidate


Post your job listing


Log in with your email


Contact candidates

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How to use CazVid ATS to speed up your hiring process and get candidates aligned to the company's culture