Are you currently looking to hire salespeople in Arizona?,
Go to the CazVid app and find great video resumes of qualified employees.
CazVid is unique, easy to use, and can help employees screen their potential employers
before they respond to an Arizona job listing ad.
Similarly, it is a great tool for employers, to view the communication skills and level of enthusiasm of Arizona job seekers prior to ever communicating with the job candidate.
Although it’s not new, CazVid, the free job posting app, is pioneering the video job listing format and the concept of a job opening in a casual video presentation.
Perhaps you are wondering, why it is beneficial for your company to post a video job opening instead of a written job listing:
● Nowadays, job seekers get bored reading the requirements for a job.
● The world is moving to short video posts and messages for all forms of presentations
and communication so why not have a short video presentation of your job opening.
● A 24/7 virtual Job Fair. The candidates don’t only read your job opening details, they
see and hear you, the workplace, and what your company has to offer.
CazVid is the platform with access to a bank of video resumes and with an opportunity to post for free a video job opening and is the place to post a video and interact with employers, employees, gig seekers and short term employment opportunities.
The app is design for remote workers and local employees. It takes 30 seconds to sign up, 30 seconds to record a video and just minutes to start communicating with potential employees; and all of it for free on