Headhunters to CazVid It

More and more recruiters , headhunters and employment agencies are asking candidates to CazVid them.  “Send me your CazVid” or simply “CazVid me” means send your casual video.  What is the casual video, aka CazVid?  The CazVid casual video is a free (up to 30 second) employment and income related video. It can be a video cover letter, or a video resume, or just a short selfie video wherein individuals showcase themselves, explain who they are, talk about their experiences and describe what they are looking for in terms of work or income opportunities.

When outside recruiters send traditional written resumes to prospective employers, they can now send the CazVid in addition to the written resume.  Check out CazVid to see how headhunters and employment agencies can benefit from the free CazVid video job postings and video resume platform

Recruiter and Staffing