Get a job as a social media marketer with a CazVid Video Resume. What to put on your Social Media Marketing Video Resume?

So is video resume really help when you are looking for a social media marketing job?

After all, you have your social media profiles on Instagram and TikTok, and the employers who are looking for social media marketing associated can check out your profiles.

Well, publishing a social media marketing video resume is a huge plus and a great advantage.

First, you are showing the universe that you are actively looking for a social media marketing position.  You are not talking about any other job openings in your video resume, you are just focusing on your desire to work as a social media marketer.

Second, if you post your social media marketing resume on the free CazVid video resume app, you are presenting yourself to all the employers who are currently hiring.

What to say on the CazVid social media marketing Video Resume?

  1. Keep it to a 30 seconds or less.  It is an intro to who you are and what you are looking for.  You don't need to recite all of your employment history, education or accomplishment.
  2. Show your personality, enthusiasm and explain how you are passionate about marketing in general.   Many people like and use social media.  You, in your social media marketing video resume, explain how you are passionate about marketing. 
  3. Mention that you are willing to learn and advance.  That part is often being left out of video resumes, and it should always be included.   Employers are always looking for people who are excited about learning new skills, even if you are already a marketing expert.

Now that you got your Social Media Marketing Video Resume, publish it on CazVid.  CazVid is a free, employment-related, video-only, app with social media video resumes and job listing for social media marketers.  Post your video resume, get the interview, and get hired on the free CazVid video resume app

CazVid Desktop ATS - Free Job Posting & Resume Videos App
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In this 20-minute overview and product demo, our team will show you how you can use CazVid Desktop ATS to streamline your entire hiring process - from job postings to candidate management - with ease. ​ You’ll learn why thousands of companies are using CazVid Desktop ATS to improve use CazVid Desktop ATS to streamline your entire hiring process - from job postings to candidate management with eases in one simple platform.
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