If you are looking to hire in Phoenix, Tucson, Mesa, Chandler or other cities in Arizona, go to the CazVid app and find great video resumes of qualified employees.
Often we are asked if CazVid is an employment video interview tool or a video resume or a video cover letter? Well, it's kind of all of the above. CazVid is the best first impression employment screening tool.
CazVid is a completely free video-only Arizona video resumes and Arizona video-based job listings employment app.
Prospective employees can use CazVid as a video cover letter. They record a short 30 second Arizona video resume and contact employers at no charge on the CazVid app.
Employers use the CazVid app to record a short-video of Arizona job opening, search for job seekers in Arizona, and communicate with potential Arizona employees at no charge.
CazVid is unique, easy to use, and can help employees screen their potential employers, before they respond to an Arizona job listing ad. Similarly, it is a great tool for employers, to view the communication skills and level of enthusiasm of Arizona job seekers prior to ever communicate with the job candidate.
CazVid is always free to use. It takes 15 seconds to sign up. 30 seconds to record a video, and an extra few seconds to share your video with many potential employers.