Tag video job board

CazVid’s Free Job Posting Method

Employers looking to find the right candidate for the job position can be a bit of frustrating when there’s many resources available for putting a job listing out there, but often it can be expensive and/or a time consuming headache.…

Share a Free Job Posting Video

Business owners and employers that are looking to hire are invited to share a job listing video on CazVid for free. What sort of job positions? Pretty much anything. Whether it’s an entry level position, sales, customer service, delivery, internship,…

Headhunters to CazVid It

More and more recruiters , headhunters and employment agencies are asking candidates to CazVid them.  “Send me your CazVid” or simply “CazVid me” means send your casual video.  What is the casual video, aka CazVid?  The CazVid casual video is…