CazVid Desktop ATS - Free Job Posting & Resume Videos App

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How to use CazVid ATS to speed up your hiring process and get candidates aligned to the company's culture

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How to use CazVid ATS to speed up your hiring process and get candidates aligned to the company's culture

Video job interview even before you interview

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What? Video interview even before you interview?

So many employers are using video interviews these days to get to know their candidates beyond the written resumes.  Written resumes have been the gold standard for the initial screening of employees.  However, resumes do not show the person personality and communication skills.

Now with CazVid, employers don't need to meet prospective employees to get the "first impression." Ask candidates to CazVid you.  CazVid is the best first impression screening tool out there for prospective employees and employers.

CazVid it in 30 second casual (Caz) Video (Vid). Its free, easy-to-use, and its your video statement to the world. Sign up, record, share and get hired on CazVid.

CazVid Desktop ATS - Free Job Posting & Resume Videos App
Hosted by Jerry Paquette
In this 20-minute overview and product demo, our team will show you how you can use CazVid Desktop ATS to streamline your entire hiring process - from job postings to candidate management - with ease. ​ You’ll learn why thousands of companies are using CazVid Desktop ATS to improve use CazVid Desktop ATS to streamline your entire hiring process - from job postings to candidate management with eases in one simple platform.
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¿Need candidates for your job opening?

Post your job openings and:

🔎 Evaluate candidates before any in-person or virtual interviews.

⏱️ Increase your efficiency by selecting candidates more quickly and accurately.

🫰 Save on hiring costs with a fast and free selection process.

¿Searching job?

Find it on CazVid. Download and apply for free to thousands of job openings.

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Escrito por Yuvi Shmul

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How to use CazVid ATS to speed up your hiring process and get candidates aligned to the company's culture