We often need part time help for our home, businesses, events, and our communities. But what's the best place and the easiest way to find part time help? Well, social media has been an avenue for part time gig offers for years and there is now a designated free video marketplace for part time gig offers and part time gig seekers - CazVid. CazVid is a casual video that can be recorded by anyone seeking part time help. Anyone offering a part time gig can record a 30 second video describing the hiring needs and the compensation offered. Anyone who is looking to make an extra few bucks can record a 30 second videos describing their skills and their gig availability. Both CazVid members who offer a gig or seeking one, can communicate, agree on the terms and get the job done.
CazVid is very easy to use; takes 15 seconds to sign up, 30 second to record a video gig offer or a video cover letter and it is always free to communicate with others.