Looking to hire? Skip the outdated steps of writing job postings and reviewing written job resumes. Instead, record a 30 second video, describing your company and job opening - and find qualified talent.
CazVid is a free video job posting and video resume app. Companies are invited to sign up for free (it takes 15 seconds), record a 30 seconds job opening, and publish it for free on the CazVid platform. Companies are also welcome to check out the video resumes of candidates and communicate with candidates for free on the CazVid website and apps.
Many companies that hire constantly have been very excited about the CazVid innovative job posting video platform and the CazVid matching system of video resumes with video job postings. It just makes sense. In the year 2020 we have moved to video media in every aspect of our lives. Calls are video calls. News are video news. Messaging friends are often video selfies. It just makes sense to present companies with the CazVid free video job postings and to present job seekers with the CazVid free video resumes.